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Фото "Lovely yet cold architecture of the North"

фото "Lovely yet cold architecture of the North" метки: архитектура, путешествия, пейзаж, Европа
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Lovely yet cold architecture of the North
This is not far from Helsinki, actually... Maybe some you saw these pretty houses.

I don't always have time to comment and to look through all authors I like here, but let me thank those people who watch and comment my photos. I do appreciate it highly, especially when comments are specific. Thank you again! 
пн 22 янв 2007 22:16
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silvia marmori silvia marmori #1 пн 22 янв 2007 23:06

a nice view.. good tones...
just maybe it is bit small to can appreciate it well..

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #2 вт 23 янв 2007 00:30

I like the composition and details captured... Beautiful mood!

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #3 вт 23 янв 2007 02:47

Interesting place , good colour and detail, nice choice with the panoramic format!
