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Фото "Mimetisms"

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сб 24 авг 2002 05:06
HP 315
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комментарии (11 из 11)
все комментарии по убыванию
Виктория Виктория #1 сб 24 авг 2002 11:33

Excellent composition with boat!

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #2 сб 24 авг 2002 13:55

Excellent and very beautiful composition!
Congrats, Jorge!

Jacob Lopes Jacob Lopes #3 сб 24 авг 2002 15:16

I like the point of view and composition!

Miguel Corte-Real Miguel Corte-Real #4 сб 24 авг 2002 16:30

excellent and unusual composition. well done, Jorge!

Marita Toftgard Marita Toftgard #5 сб 24 авг 2002 19:43

Fantastic in its simplicity in colours and richness of different textures!!!!!

Zeca Zeca #6 сб 24 авг 2002 23:34

Lovely composition...

Congrats Jorge.

Vale de Sousa Vale de Sousa #7 вс 25 авг 2002 05:58

Excellent shot

Mario Ferreira Mario Ferreira #8 вс 25 авг 2002 13:03

nice shot

Sandra Alves Correia Sandra Alves Correia #10 вс 25 авг 2002 18:45

Excellent framing and composition.

MihF MihF #11 пн 26 авг 2002 20:14

chef d`oeuvre. exquisite colors and delicately accented edges

alvesari alvesari #12 пн 26 авг 2002 20:56

Beautiful composition.