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Фото "Natural Light2"

фото "Natural Light2" метки: ню, портрет, женщина
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Natural Light2
вс 8 сен 2002 06:40
объектив Tamron
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комментарии (4 из 4)
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alvesari alvesari #1 вс 8 сен 2002 08:46

Very nice work.

Adel Mansour Adel Mansour #2 вс 8 сен 2002 09:03

Excellent portrait, lighting is great , modle is wonderful.

Jose Sarmento Jose Sarmento #3 вс 8 сен 2002 13:45

Delicious Portrait with great light. Very nice and well made. My congratulations, Major.

Vincent Arrigali Vincent Arrigali #4 вс 8 сен 2002 17:43

Lets be honest, The lady has a beautiful soft smile, That`s as far as this photo goes. Her Arm is cut off, leading the eye out of the photo, and Her head is tilted back, looking like she has a stiff neck. If you would have cropped just below the shoulders and made this a portrait not a nude, it would have been worth a high rating. Seems every one wants nude to get their high rating,