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Фото "Stepping over the midnight sun"

фото "Stepping over the midnight sun" метки: пейзаж, вода, закат
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Stepping over the midnight sun
Taken about midnight last summer, with my Minolta 7s. 
чт 7 июн 2001 18:08
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Todd Hansell Todd Hansell #1 чт 7 июн 2001 18:29

Nice colors and composition, Trine. The reflection under the legs maybe a little hot (at least that`s what they are going to tell you). I think the flash is fine. I am just wondering how long you are going to rub it in that you have a Minolta 7s... just kidding - Can I have it?

Helyn Davenport Helyn Davenport #2 чт 7 июн 2001 18:52

It has magical qualities...wonderful..

Ben Bondarenko Ben Bondarenko #3 чт 7 июн 2001 19:17

very nice

Melanie Kipp Melanie Kipp #4 чт 7 июн 2001 19:56

Another "WOW" photo...Trine, do you ever take a photo that isn`t fantastic????

Trine Sirnes Trine Sirnes #5 чт 7 июн 2001 20:20

Plenty of them, Melanie. They keep up filling my hard disk all the time подмигиваю But thanks for the wonderful compliment.
Todd, I inherrited it from my father, so no, you can`t have it! But most of the photos from me will be digital from now on. But I will still use it once in a while, just to rub it in.

Knut Fredrik Thorne Knut Fredrik Thorne #6 чт 7 июн 2001 21:33

Love the colours and mood in this.

Reda Danaf Reda Danaf #7 пт 8 июн 2001 01:30

Another great shot Trine.

Greg Summers Greg Summers #8 пт 8 июн 2001 02:44

Now - this is beyond words - like walking on magic

Alenka Kachuro Alenka Kachuro #9 пт 15 июн 2001 04:39

i see you`ve got a series going - kids in sunsets улыбаюсь

Steve Bingham Steve Bingham #10 сб 16 июн 2001 09:25

Just beautiful. A wonderful warm picture!!!!!

Cherry Cherry #11 пн 27 авг 2001 07:09

angelique ..i like it

Petur Einarsson Petur Einarsson #13 вс 7 ноя 2004 13:53

very nice picture.