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Фото "Night Ride"

фото "Night Ride" метки: путешествия, пейзаж, Северная Америка, закат
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Night Ride
It was the last few miles to my son`s home in Texas. I drove 950 miles that day. The sun was going down in front of me. Just looked to beautiful not to record it. I stuck my camera out the window and fired away. 
чт 26 сен 2002 21:51
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комментарии (9 из 9)
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Юрий Тяпин Юрий Тяпин #1 чт 26 сен 2002 22:11

You`ve shot the very center - apple! улыбаюсь
Congrats, my friend!

Alex Amelin Alex Amelin #2 чт 26 сен 2002 23:26

Accept my congratulations on successfully executed work!

Jose Sarmento Jose Sarmento #3 пт 27 сен 2002 02:33

The report is very good and the Image is a Beauty. Excellent photograph. My congratulations, Vincent Arrigali

Zeca Zeca #4 пт 27 сен 2002 06:21

Nice work...with imagination...Congrats Vincent.

Sandra Battaglia Sandra Battaglia #5 пт 27 сен 2002 06:39

You are definitely the master of PS! улыбаюсь But...I`m not sure that the framing enhances as much as it is a little distracting.
This scene is so beautiful and with your sharp eye that I think it could stand by itself. Of course, that is just my opinion...and I respect your artistic interpretation. улыбаюсь )
Anyway, I really, really like this a lot! улыбаюсь )

Marita Toftgard Marita Toftgard #6 пт 27 сен 2002 17:40

Very well done....
You are a creative man!!!!
Such an amazing image!!!

Надежда Колдышева Надежда Колдышева #7 пт 27 сен 2002 19:36

Nice work

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #9 сб 28 сен 2002 06:02

Excellent and very beautiful work!
Congrats, Vincent!

Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria #10 сб 5 окт 2002 07:22

Another great work....with a lovely frame.
Congrats Vincent.