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Фото "End of the Colors"

фото "End of the Colors" метки: природа, пейзаж, лес
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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End of the Colors
The colors were gone in this part of the river. Glad I came this way that day. I took 3 photographers out for a photo shoot and took them to one of my favorite places. In my files I called this photo " the turning of the colors" 
ср 30 окт 2002 23:41
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комментарии (7 из 7)
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Петр Медведев Петр Медведев #1 чт 31 окт 2002 00:01

Good air and light.

Jose Sarmento Jose Sarmento #2 чт 31 окт 2002 02:44

Your is vey nice and very well made.Excellent photograph. My congratulations, Vincent

Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria #3 чт 31 окт 2002 04:42

....a bit of color still remain....

Sandra Battaglia Sandra Battaglia #4 чт 31 окт 2002 05:39

How lovely. I especially like the tree arching over the river amidst all the colors. Details and colors reflect the season wonderfully. улыбаюсь

Юрий Тяпин Юрий Тяпин #5 чт 31 окт 2002 06:16

Fabulous place!

MihF MihF #6 чт 31 окт 2002 19:35

this place is beautiful indeed

Cherry Cherry #7 сб 11 янв 2003 21:46

So beautiful !