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Фото "Bay Bridge - II"

фото "Bay Bridge - II" метки: путешествия, пейзаж, Северная Америка, ночь
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Bay Bridge - II
Another shot from the Bay Bridge... Different angle and also some minutes later... But the magic created by the colors is fantastic. 
пн 17 фев 2003 03:19
пленочная камера Canon EOS 3
объектив Canon EF 100mm 1:2.8 USM
фотовспышка Canon 550EX
сканер HP 3200c
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комментарии (10 из 10)
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Artur Gomes Dias Artur Gomes Dias #1 пн 17 фев 2003 04:07

Very nice :congrats.

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #2 пн 17 фев 2003 08:17

Excellent work, my friend!

Борис Каторгин Борис Каторгин #3 пн 17 фев 2003 09:39

Fine photo! Excellent composition and colors.

Jose Sarmento Jose Sarmento #4 пн 17 фев 2003 23:53

Annd I almost lost this Image! so sorry Leandro! Very nice perspective and good control of the lighting. The evening colours are very nice. An excellent photograph. My congratulations, Leandro Meinhardt

Lucaz - Luis Costa Lucaz - Luis Costa #5 вт 18 фев 2003 01:21

Very nice work, regards!

Zeca Zeca #6 вт 18 фев 2003 03:17

Delicious work...great vision, Congrats Leandro.

Jose Luis Mendes Jose Luis Mendes #7 вт 18 фев 2003 20:24

Other excellent image Leandro !!!

Daniel Loebmann Daniel Loebmann #8 вт 3 фев 2004 08:39

Very nice picture, regards!

Leandro Meinhardt Leandro Meinhardt #9 вт 3 фев 2004 23:12

Thanks for the comment!!
I really appreciate,
Leandro Meinhardt

a sd a sd #10 вт 8 июн 2004 15:05

Fabulous nocturne!