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Фото "Still life with a chestnut tree."

фото "Still life with a chestnut tree." метки: натюрморт, архитектура, пейзаж,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Still life with a chestnut tree.
Vienna, July 2001 
пт 13 июл 2001 16:08
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комментарии (11 из 11)
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Thanh Q. Trang Thanh Q. Trang #1 пт 13 июл 2001 17:38

I like it!!!

Феодосий Задунайский Феодосий Задунайский #2 пт 13 июл 2001 18:50

A piquant concept, Veniamin. Beautiful too though I find the frame rather distracting.

Wahid Noureldin Wahid Noureldin #3 пт 13 июл 2001 19:32

Quite an interestung graphical impact, Veniamin.

Reda Danaf Reda Danaf #4 пт 13 июл 2001 20:02

Nice set up Veniamin..I like it.

marike bruwer marike bruwer #5 сб 14 июл 2001 00:52

Very very nice.

Alenka Kachuro Alenka Kachuro #6 сб 14 июл 2001 01:13

odd but interesting... to quality as stilllife, the chairs seem to occupy to little space in the image улыбаюсь

april coleman april coleman #7 сб 14 июл 2001 03:00

Veniamen, I like the perspective! This is a very interesting and moody image. To get best impact I finally pushed F11, and when the image fills the monitor - WoW! I agree the frame is a little heavy. But that doesn`t take away from the overall effect which is wonderful!

David Wu David Wu #8 сб 14 июл 2001 06:04

nice!I like the green colour and this setting!

Mary Waters Mary Waters #9 сб 14 июл 2001 08:46

the fact that the chestnut in the USA has become extinct due to insect or fungus problems,,makes this image so very special..beautifully composed...what is in the back-ground??? very interesting....congratulations on pod..

kurt yang kurt yang #10 чт 21 мар 2002 23:58

wonderful photo!

Jose Antonio Moreno Jose Antonio Moreno #11 пт 24 сен 2004 19:12

Very beautiful light and colors.

Excellent point of view and nice details.

Great work.