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Photo "`Van Open`"

photo "`Van Open`" tags: genre, black&white,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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`Van Open`
I love the openness which I find is something I can achieve with my subjects by getting as close as possible to them when I`m shooting. It`s the "in your face" approach that works for me. Thank goodness for wide angle lenses! 
Thu 19 Jul 2001 00:57
film camera Nikon FE2
lens Nikon 20mm
comments (5 from 5)
all comments descending
Todd Hansell Todd Hansell #1 Thu 19 Jul 2001 02:13

The arresting gaze of your model makes me feel uncomfortable and fascinated. I want to stop looking at her but I can`t. Nice lighting and pretty good DOF. My personal space is being invaded and so is hers - I guess that is what you are trying to achieve anyway - Good Job - GOOD JOB...

april coleman april coleman #2 Thu 19 Jul 2001 05:34

Very intense and good, love the B&W. She does have the vampy look, the perspective is quite effective, very in your face! Why is this in the nude category? Am I missing something smile (it`s very possible)

Igor Amelkovich Igor Amelkovich #3 Thu 19 Jul 2001 06:48


Melanie Kipp Melanie Kipp #4 Thu 26 Jul 2001 14:39

You manageg to get the in your face feel that you wanted without distorting the look of the model to the point of unattractivness... hard to do but you did it. Nice in B&W. I, too, wonder why this is in the nu category... only thing I would wish for if this were my image is a tad more light...catch light if you will, in her eyes...

Peter Schwarz Peter Schwarz #6 Fri 21 Sep 2001 03:26

Beautiful! You captured her "look" very well. Facinating and intensive.