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Фото "`Waiting For An Apocalypse`"

фото "`Waiting For An Apocalypse`" метки: жанр, природа,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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`Waiting For An Apocalypse`
Nature... Human Nature... It intrigues me so! I did not set this shot up. I waited till it happened and did my thing. The shoes were put there by the people in the chairs. 
пт 27 июл 2001 11:58
пленочная камера Nikon FM
объектив Nikon 28mm
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комментарии (8 из 8)
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Melanie Kipp Melanie Kipp #2 пт 27 июл 2001 15:38

The shoes make this for me.

Harvey Edelman Harvey Edelman #3 сб 28 июл 2001 04:34

Well in this nicely composed little story the frame fits.

Brenda Bohannon Brenda Bohannon #4 сб 28 июл 2001 07:33

Great eye! Nicely done, Daniel! :~)

Reda Danaf Reda Danaf #6 вс 29 июл 2001 12:44

Interesting shot Daniel...Well balanced composition by the introduction of the shoes in the foreground.

P. Schwarz P. Schwarz #8 вс 23 сен 2001 01:12

No commend because this photo speak for itself.

Paul Bracey Paul Bracey #9 вс 23 сен 2001 01:24

the editing on the shoes seems a little sloppy, but the idea is certainly good

Vasile Dorolti Vasile Dorolti #10 вс 10 фев 2002 11:47

it`s not really clear that "they are waiting for "apocalips"

Jette Stroem Jette Stroem #11 пн 7 окт 2002 16:20

good work