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Photo "Gipsy Girl # 2"

photo "Gipsy Girl # 2" tags: travel, portrait, Africa, children
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Gipsy Girl # 2
Sat 11 Aug 2001 02:21
comments (6 from 6)
all comments descending
Harvey Edelman Harvey Edelman #1 Sat 11 Aug 2001 05:35

The one small nit IMO is the darkness of the Lamb where detail is hard to make out. I think brightening it up a notch so the details of hair and eyes would serve to make this a standout.

Wahid Noureldin Wahid Noureldin #4 Sat 11 Aug 2001 10:31

Cute girl and lamb. The image shows us part of Gypsy life.

april coleman april coleman #5 Sun 12 Aug 2001 05:01

Awwww Reda she is SO cute - what a neat picture, I just love it!!!!

Adel Mansour Adel Mansour #6 Sun 12 Aug 2001 10:27

Fantastic portrait.

Daniel Sikorskyi Daniel Sikorskyi #7 Sun 12 Aug 2001 11:11

Real life... in another culture other than mine. Thanx.

Peter Schwarz Peter Schwarz #9 mon 10 Sep 2001 00:49

Beautiful, colorful and a nice composition!