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Фото "The City In Clouds"

фото "The City In Clouds" метки: пейзаж, архитектура, горы
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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комментарии (7 из 7)
все комментарии по убыванию
Graca Cavadas Graca Cavadas #1 пт 22 авг 2003 20:34

Very interesting, where is it??
Nice perspective of a beautiful landscape!
I like the effect of the clouds.
Congrats IZaRob!

IzaRob IzaRob #7 сб 23 авг 2003 14:53

Thank you for the opinion. It`s Machu Picchu - the Inca city in Peru

Юрий Тяпин Юрий Тяпин #2 пт 22 авг 2003 20:49

I wish it was sharper!

Наталия Нурланд Наталия Нурланд #3 пт 22 авг 2003 20:54

great picture!!!!!

Kazak Kazak #4 пт 22 авг 2003 20:57

Very beautifull image!

Vitor Azinheira Vitor Azinheira #5 пт 22 авг 2003 21:39

Beautifull view, great shot,.

Sandra Battaglia Sandra Battaglia #6 сб 23 авг 2003 05:18

The clouds floating around this magnificent structure really conveys the feeling of how high it is.
Sharper would be nice but I imagine hard to do from your vantage point.
A magical scene...without the people it could be the domain of a mythological mountain king. улыбаюсь