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Midsummer sky from Finland. 
чт 23 окт 2003 17:17
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Jose Luis Mendes Jose Luis Mendes #1 чт 23 окт 2003 17:51

Excellent sky painture!!!

Rui Lucas Rui Lucas #2 чт 23 окт 2003 18:30

Great photo,
wonderfull sky
Congrats Timo

Надежда Колдышева Надежда Колдышева #3 чт 23 окт 2003 18:58

Very nice work!

Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #5 чт 23 окт 2003 22:39

Wonderful sky, congrats!

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #6 пт 24 окт 2003 07:04

Wonderful sky!
Great light and colors!

Ирина Анурова Ирина Анурова #7 пт 24 окт 2003 10:21

Wonderful photo!

Michael Lucero Michael Lucero #8 пт 24 окт 2003 23:38

Extrordinary colours.... Beautiful photo....

Timo Laaksonen Timo Laaksonen #9 сб 25 окт 2003 00:14

There`s few reasons about the colours.
I live near arctic circle (200 miles south) and sunsets are quite colourfuls in here.
There`s thundercloud on left, outside of picture so it does make that orange colour.
Most of the credit for those colours goes for Velvia 50 colourfull dia and little for Sigma 24-70 f2.8 lens wich gives me opportunity to use f-stop 32.
Light was measured by the cloud`s mid-dark part.

Regards. Timo

Rustem Burdin Rustem Burdin #10 сб 25 окт 2003 00:20

Great photo.

Steve Bingham Steve Bingham #11 пт 7 ноя 2003 07:00

Again, the loss of shadow detail greatly detracts from an otherwise excellent image. Try turning the contrast down when you scan with the Agra. Or, better yet, make two scans. One as regular and one for the shadow detail. Combine the two in Photoshop for extended range.

Marit Marit #13 сб 22 ноя 2003 01:34

Very nice pictures.

Stancho Stancho #14 вс 30 ноя 2003 01:03

Very well !!