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Фото "Ombra"

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комментарии (15 из 18)
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Jacob Lopes Jacob Lopes #1 пт 2 янв 2004 20:10


srini srini #2 пт 2 янв 2004 20:24

wow!!!....raul this is an awesome composition...your timing of the shot to get the background sky is sensational....i like how you have positioned the man, the addition of the cap and the length of the shadow.... i would have just tried to center it a wee bit more...this kind of imaging can break the rule of thirds (but hey, thats just a perspective!!!)...

Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #3 пт 2 янв 2004 21:32

Great shot Raul, very well done regards!

guido stocco guido stocco #4 пт 2 янв 2004 21:40

Very well done!


Rafael Ramirez Lee Rafael Ramirez Lee #5 пт 2 янв 2004 22:05

Great shot! love the colors and the composition

Edite Fernandes Edite Fernandes #6 пт 2 янв 2004 22:26

Very nice photo. I love the silhouette, the long shadow and the perfect definition.

Michael Lucero Michael Lucero #7 пт 2 янв 2004 23:32

Well done.....

Ken James Ken James #8 сб 3 янв 2004 01:28

Clever shot. Well done!

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #9 сб 3 янв 2004 02:58

Wonderful work!!!!

Sandra Battaglia Sandra Battaglia #10 сб 3 янв 2004 04:46

Enchanting work! Congrats, Raul! улыбаюсь

Ольга Б Ольга Б #11 сб 3 янв 2004 06:09

Congrats, Raul!

Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria #12 сб 3 янв 2004 06:20

Love it

Александр Дюгаев Александр Дюгаев #13 сб 3 янв 2004 18:22

very beautiful work!!

Марианна Дюгаева Марианна Дюгаева #14 сб 3 янв 2004 19:27

Very beautiful perspective!

C. A. C. A. #15 сб 3 янв 2004 19:38

Marvellous composition!
Marvellous shadow!!