о себе:
West Africa, ex-portuguese Cape Verde Islands (1939).
Former private bank central accounting manager.
Doing photography since 14 years old while in High School and use to sell B&W sunsets to friends. Later the slides, and underwater photo experiment. I used a piece of car rubber air chamber as a watertight enclosure for my Brownie. It worked although processing was not good. I had a NikonosII and Minolta SRT101 in Mozambique, East Africa.
Photography may give some money and above all enormous satisfaction to one's mind and spirit. My three adult sons are photo enthusiasts and this helped them professionally.
I have 15 articles published in magazines with photos about the sea and diving.
Have made many touristic pictures, postcards, CD covers, image bank pics, image for press and advertising.
Translator on portuguese, french and english.
Collaboration with sea and photo and pc magazines.
Last year 2007, May, I was in Hurghada coast, Egypt, making UW photos in the super reefs of the Red Sea.