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Photo "Ancestry"

photo "Ancestry" tags: architecture, misc., landscape,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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My greatgrandparents lived here in a quiet village in Minas Gerais, Brazil. My greatgrandfather died in 1923 and my greatgrandmother died in 1904. I had a big emotion when I visited these ruins last year. It used to be their home. 
Fri 27 Feb 2004 00:27
comments (4 from 4)
all comments descending
Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria #1 Fri 27 Feb 2004 00:47

... com certeza foi uma grande emoзгo...
parabйns pela bela foto.

luquesio melo luquesio melo #2 Fri 27 Feb 2004 02:59

Й um excelente registo que foi vivido com emoзao natural Edgard! Parabens e um abraзo.

Nadejda Jankovskaja Nadejda Jankovskaja #3 Sun 29 Feb 2004 07:59

very beautiful...

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #4 Thu 18 Mar 2004 07:45

Bonito registro, meu amigo!
Muito bem capturado!
Gosto demais!

Forte abraco!