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Photo "Mellas 7."

photo "Mellas 7." tags: landscape, travel, summer
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Mellas 7.
There the surprising atmosphere - is more tremendous has to creativity - each corner and is asked, that it have embodied on a film or on a canvas, or have sung of a pink decline and a foamy surf in verses. And having a rest very actively use this opportunity to realize and to keep not only in the memory beauty of the nature surrounding them. Could not resist against temptation and I, in a result - a heap finished shooting plyonok on chamber Canon EOS-620, weight of the taught pleasure and clear proofs of perfection of the nature as photos which I and present your attention. I could not remain indifferent to beauty of a pine pine forest, to charm of a warm starlit night, have touched my I oppress a gentle tender surf. I very much would want to share all this beauty with you and I hope, that even in part I could catch that mood, charm which surrounded me during four months 
mon 26 Apr 2004 15:44
Canon EOS-620
comments (4 from 4)
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Andrey Sokolov Andrey Sokolov #1 mon 26 Apr 2004 18:11

Чуть горы бы порезче smile

Nadejda Jankovskaja Nadejda Jankovskaja #2 Tue 27 Apr 2004 19:29

ах как там хорошо.. так и хочется идти и заказывать путевки..

Arvid Klokk Arvid Klokk #3 Thu 29 Apr 2004 23:42

Very beautiful work! Regards!

yves ralim yves ralim #4 Sun 2 May 2004 18:58

An other beautiful, peaceful and romantic place, Oksana. Your photo and your words touch me. Great sentimental work my dear.