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Photo "Sunset #21"

photo "Sunset #21" tags: landscape, sunset, water
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Sunset #21
mon 9 Aug 2004 05:48
comments (15 from 48)
all comments descending
Daniel Loebmann Daniel Loebmann #1 mon 9 Aug 2004 06:01

Interesting picture, congrats Regina!!!

Yury Tyapin Yury Tyapin #2 mon 9 Aug 2004 06:29

wonderful colors and composition! a pity it is so small!!!
abracos e beijos

Alexander Dugaev Alexander Dugaev #4 mon 9 Aug 2004 07:46

Nice, as usual!

matte matte #5 mon 9 Aug 2004 07:46

just perfect!

flemming rasmussen flemming rasmussen #6 mon 9 Aug 2004 08:18

Fanyastic shot.

chandru shahani chandru shahani #7 mon 9 Aug 2004 08:35

What a beautiful picture you got here Regina!!!
The wonderful colors make it outstanding.

Marianna Dugaeva Marianna Dugaeva #8 mon 9 Aug 2004 08:39

beautiful and excellent composition!!!

Donin Seryi Donin Seryi #9 mon 9 Aug 2004 09:30

Good composite construction. The colours are perfectly transferred. But the sun is still very high, therefore up to a sunset it is still very long. A parity of the image and framework? Framing the available image and deep processing in PhotoShop is probable

Andre Andre #10 mon 9 Aug 2004 09:59

For me, what it counts is the final image and message it may carry, Iґm very sure the above poster is not sure what is photography as a media.
I really don`t understand why it count if the image was worked in PS or not, Ps is a tool, therefore, was created to be used as such.
It was really lovely people giving this kind of ratings, start explaining why theyґre doing it with a little bit of knowledge and to back them up, maybe show some images.
A imagem esta optima Regina, com uma atmosfera envolvente e fantastica, o barco como silhueta no meio do banho de luz, da-lhe o toque necessario para aumentar a beleza da imagem.



Regina Lopes Regina Lopes #13 mon 9 Aug 2004 16:19

Thank you for the comment, Andre. I don`t accept people`s comments that don`t show his works. To speak that he is perfect and to want to impose his rules is very easy. I prefer to follow master Cartier-Bresson`s words: "To be a good photographer, it is necessary to have a good eye"
He denies his own words:
some words about me:
"Photo it not only photography, but opportunity of self-expression, some kind of an own estimation of the environmental world. Sometimes it is an opportunity how differently to look at the world. But there is no limit for perfection, To learn something good it is possible only in dialogue."
Ele provavelmente nao conhece o por de sol tropical, a foto й isto mesmo e a luz esta mesma, o barco estava la e eu nao o coloquei. Alguns ajustes no Photoshop que foi inventado para ser usado e com ele dei meu toque pessoal como ele mesmo diz e a minha "self-expression". Arte й arte, cada um tem a sua forma de expressar e nos temos que respeitar.
Beijos, Andre

Irina Opachevsky Irina Opachevsky #11 mon 9 Aug 2004 10:36

exellent composition and wonderful hot colors!

Irina Savkina Irina Savkina #12 mon 9 Aug 2004 15:57

Great picture!

Michael Palis Michael Palis #14 mon 9 Aug 2004 16:56

Beautiful!!! Hust beautiful!

Craig Hansen Craig Hansen #15 mon 9 Aug 2004 16:58

Very expressive work!

Natalia Norland Natalia Norland #16 mon 9 Aug 2004 17:03

Wonderful picture!