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Photo "Birds eye"

photo "Birds eye" tags: nature, wild animals
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Birds eye
Fri 24 Sep 2004 08:24
comments (6 from 6)
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Remi Aerts Remi Aerts #1 Fri 24 Sep 2004 08:25

Very good picture, well done!

Oscar Oscar #2 Fri 24 Sep 2004 08:33

As usually it is not enough sharpness fron EOS300d.
Compare Bird`s eye with my EOS10D:

Teemu Puolitaival Teemu Puolitaival #3 Fri 24 Sep 2004 09:22

Hi! Great picture you`ve got!

But maybe in this case the difference is not in the camera, because 300D and 10D uses the same exactly same sensor. (yes there`s difference in the default sharpening in camera software but that has no end-picture difference, because the same can be done with photoediting or with custom functions in camera!)
But the reason for the sharpness-difference is in the lens, you have 2000? lens and I have 150? lense.. and it`s well know that 70-200 IS is one of the sharpest zoom-lenses!!


Katrin Soboleva Katrin Soboleva #4 Fri 24 Sep 2004 09:25

Severe look:)

Farid Khousainov Farid Khousainov #5 Fri 24 Sep 2004 09:38

The beautiful picture, but does not suffice sharpness...

Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #6 Sat 25 Sep 2004 16:50

Well captured pose, very good shot regards!