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Photo "Gaucho and his horses"

photo "Gaucho and his horses" tags: misc.,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Gaucho and his horses
or "wrangler`? 
Sat 9 Feb 2002 09:59
comments (6 from 6)
all comments descending
. . #1 Sat 9 Feb 2002 10:39

Your choice of a panoramic format helps provide a sense of the wide open prairie so is a good choice and the back lighting adds a sparkle to the picture. I do find the red signature very distracting.

Nadezhda Kvitka Nadezhda Kvitka #2 Sat 9 Feb 2002 13:54

It is pleasant...
Silence and harmony..
Silent life..

YUrij 137 YUrij 137 #3 Sat 9 Feb 2002 15:48


Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #4 Sat 9 Feb 2002 16:37

Congrats, David!

Tio Pepe Tio Pepe #5 Thu 14 Feb 2002 05:18

the first of your black-and-white landscapes i see

wide as it is the picture speaks about how immense those places could be - as a result of this how hard (never-ending-like) the work of the people toiling the land or just having to go here ad there
their lives too - how many of us would resist

the light on the horses so generous - contours are plainly discernible
the light between them and the hills so strong - as if the land itself is its source
or - simpler than that - as if (pure white) snow
the incredible flatness of the plain - level as my very desk here
and the mountains/hills springing abruptly out of the valley
fantastic scenery

Jacob Lopes Jacob Lopes #6 Fri 15 Feb 2002 01:37

Excellent lighting/composition/tonality!