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Photo "Grenada Waterfront"

photo "Grenada Waterfront" tags: travel, landscape, South America
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Grenada Waterfront
Wed 27 Feb 2002 03:12
comments (4 from 4)
all comments descending
Tio Pepe Tio Pepe #1 Wed 27 Feb 2002 04:01

very promising in its turn (i`ve just returned from your first)
i shall be back

Tadeu Gouveia Tadeu Gouveia #2 Wed 27 Feb 2002 05:20

Nice shot!!!

Tio Pepe Tio Pepe #3 Fri 8 Mar 2002 01:55

i am still pretty busy but i thought i should at least rate this one
i like it for how everything is so well separated from everything else - the three planes the sky the shore te water but also shapes due to the very distinct colours

i find it strange that so many people have seen this (as it so frequently happens apparently) and not taken the trouble to write at least a few words and then perhaps even vote

`people are strange` the song goes...

all the best

from tio pepe

Tio Pepe Tio Pepe #4 Wed 13 Mar 2002 02:50

hi livio
i have been silent all this time as i was so tied up in all those things that one has to do at the beginning of each semester i only stopped here to rate one of your pictures that had a score of zero at that time because i did not want it to disappear or something
now i am back – i do not know for how long (somebody i know would tell me it will get worse and worse) – and i shall at last say how i see these pictures of yours
the funny thing is the one i thought was neutral proved to be neutral (though it scores higher than the other two – which is not altogether significant since the number of ratings it`s got so far is 3)
the one chosen by dan proved to be the most popular (with twice as many views as any of the other two - which is nothing of the unexpected everything considered)
and the one chosen by you proved to be valued by more people than the other two taken together
i would perhaps also go for that one if asked to reject two of the three
i`ll say why in my comment to it
what i still like about this waterfront is – i`ve said this before – the clear-cut distinction between the water and the shore – with buildings and everything – on the one hand and the shore and the sky on the other hand
i also like the display of colours especially towards the right in contrast to the walls to the left
joyous as opposed to pretty gloomy
even the way the houses are oriented emphasise that contrast
if i could have one preference expressed i would say that i would indeed have been totally pleased if the boat covered more of the cars – if in other words it had been about ten meters to the left