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Фото "Young woman"

фото "Young woman" метки: портрет, женщина
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Young woman
Portraitsession last weekend 
пт 22 мар 2002 17:42
сканер Epson 1250
постоянная ссылка:
комментарии (12 из 12)
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Miguel Corte-Real Miguel Corte-Real #1 пт 22 мар 2002 18:00

Excellent portrait, Rune!!

Ulf Pedersen Ulf Pedersen #2 пт 22 мар 2002 18:19


Hej Rune og velkommen her улыбаюсь )

Rune Johansen Rune Johansen #3 пт 22 мар 2002 20:14

Thanks a lot.
This was my first picture here, and look forward to
spend much more time here.
Best regards

© SS Studio © SS Studio #4 вс 24 мар 2002 21:39

Nearly it is sharp. Slightly opened ротик slightly raises..., guards on a back background a dust, or it not a dust..? The inclination of a head is critical...

Morten Morten #5 пн 25 мар 2002 15:38

Very sexy look and excellent composition

Pete Oldham Pete Oldham #6 вт 26 мар 2002 02:43

Only one word.....excellent

Hans Bremer Hans Bremer #7 вт 26 мар 2002 16:00


Rune Johansen Rune Johansen #8 вт 26 мар 2002 17:08

Hi folks
Thanks for your nice critics.
I think it migth be a little bit dust on the picture, because I used my scanner. I`ll be more careful next time
All the best regards

Надежда Квитка Надежда Квитка #10 сб 30 мар 2002 14:42

Only one remark..
No, not the remark and the request...
Very big format of a photo...
Does not find room on the monitor..
To look not conveniently (
At me 17 `
Not small...
The photo hardly is smaller in the size..
In height 600 and in width 700...

kurt yang kurt yang #11 вс 31 мар 2002 22:49

amazing beauty! I don`t understand why people rate that low.

Bob Knight Bob Knight #12 пт 12 апр 2002 04:18

Beautiful portrait, beautiful subject! Nice soft lines, gentle texture. Nice work Rune!

Vale de Sousa Vale de Sousa #13 сб 11 май 2002 06:40

Wonderful portraits you have here my friend
Have a nice weekend!