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Photo "Ouverture"

photo "Ouverture" tags: architecture, landscape,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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An early morning at the Danube in Vienna. A friend of mine told me the picture reminded him of a musical score. Well ... it does, kind of, look like one. 
mon 11 Jun 2001 12:31
comments (4 from 4)
all comments descending
Melanie Kipp Melanie Kipp #1 mon 11 Jun 2001 19:01

I think this is a fine composition and interesting, too.

april coleman april coleman #2 mon 11 Jun 2001 23:44

The lights on the bridge look like giant pins stuck in the railings ?, this is a very intriguing and interesting image.

Todd Hansell Todd Hansell #3 Thu 14 Jun 2001 20:47

This is great - sort of looking at the Emerald City across a field of steel poppies. Beautiful composition.

Alenka Kachuro Alenka Kachuro #4 mon 18 Jun 2001 06:50

Such a stylish photo. Well, that`s not saying much b/c it can apply to pretty much anything of yours smile In any case, here, the brick red, the silver, and the warm indistinguishable stone color of the castle make for such a winning combination. I`m still trying to decide whether the streetlights below the bridge add to or take away from the harmony of the bridge lights. Probably the former. By the way, what is that odd-looking stain-like formation, on the left, b/w the 2nd & 3rd streetlight (2nd row)?