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Photo "Decadence"

photo "Decadence" tags: architecture, landscape,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Interieur ... does it still count as architecture ? :-) i hope. Office building in Vienna. June 2001. 
Tue 19 Jun 2001 21:49
comments (4 from 4)
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Eugene Soukharnikov Eugene Soukharnikov #1 Tue 19 Jun 2001 23:15

Sorry, I was writing a comment for quite terrible Jesse picture, and it was too long, so the system didn`t let me post it (imagine that, there is restrictions on how long comments can be!), so these were not comments about your photo. Your photograph is coming next.

Olger Olger #2 Tue 19 Jun 2001 23:23

Очень приятно! Иногда нравится работа просто так не думаешь о композици, свете, и тд...

Eugene Soukharnikov Eugene Soukharnikov #3 Tue 19 Jun 2001 23:26

Certainly interiors are architecture (some would say more than exteriors!), I think the picture is OK, but it is somewhat cluttered and not exactly that sharp by the standards of interior architectural photography . It is not exactly inspiring photo, and the scan is small for this kind of photograph, so I cannot see any details (although I am sure the building, which I assume is either late baroque or empire style thing, must be absolutely magnificent in or outside). I am a bit puzzled as to why you`ve titled your decadence and I would also love to know where in Vienna is this building.

Ben Bondarenko Ben Bondarenko #4 Wed 20 Jun 2001 04:12

architecture doesn`t have to be sharp, it just has to show its beauty and i think this picture does that exactly, well done