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Photo "A glimpse."

photo "A glimpse." tags: travel, architecture, landscape, Africa
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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A glimpse.
Glimpse through a small opening of a “ Mashrabia”, which is a typical type of wooden window, generally applied in domestic architecture during the Ottoman Turkish period. It served double functions: a- to cool and regulate air flow through it’s round wooden sections, allowing smooth and dim illumination during hot weather and b- to enable viewing the outside from inside without being seen from outside of the house. This House was built in Cairo in 1648. 
Sun 8 Jul 2001 19:41
comments (9 from 9)
all comments descending
Reda Danaf Reda Danaf #1 Sun 8 Jul 2001 20:04

Great work Wahid, you `ve handled the illumination quite well and exposure is perfect.

Sergej Ryzhkov Sergej Ryzhkov #2 Sun 8 Jul 2001 21:30

Perfect work and perfect plot. At last that someone thinks of destiny of the man and forces to think others.

Melanie Kipp Melanie Kipp #3 Sun 8 Jul 2001 22:40

How lovely and mysterious.

peter o neill peter o neill #4 mon 9 Jul 2001 00:05

Great plot and an even better image.

Eugene Soukharnikov Eugene Soukharnikov #5 mon 9 Jul 2001 08:18

fantastic shot of a fantastic place:) and although the place is wonderful, the pattern of the wooden window is absolutely fascinating, I think the great sense of humor is the photo`s main quality. Well, in any case, this is an positively excellent image, one of my favorites.

Lee Nelson Lee Nelson #6 mon 9 Jul 2001 19:28

What an interesting subject Wahid, and an exposure to be remembered. Outstanding work.

april coleman april coleman #7 mon 9 Jul 2001 20:28

Wahid you amaze me with your camera, this is wonderfully exposed and what a fascinating narrative to go along with it. Thank you for continually delighting us with your images.

Adel Mansour Adel Mansour #8 Tue 10 Jul 2001 20:03

Excellent details and accurate exposure.

Cherry Cherry #9 Sun 15 Jul 2001 23:30

ancree dans la memoire