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Photo "What is it? Help!"

photo "What is it? Help!" tags: still life,
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What is it? Help!
Please, help me to find out, what is the subject which has been found out by me in an antiquarian apartment by one old woman. A hollow porcelain or faience egg in length about 15 sm, half filled by sand through an aperture in a side, with plug. On the blunt end in the brass bracket decorated with a simple ornament there is easily rotating porcelain wheel. On the other end on a thick wire the porcelain ringlet is fixed. A mysterious subject. I burn with curiosity and I shall be rather grateful to the one who will extinguish this fire. 
Tue 15 Apr 2003 17:20
comments (5 from 5)
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Andrey Chepurnoy Andrey Chepurnoy #3 Tue 15 Apr 2003 20:39

Спасибо за подробный ответ, похоже так оно и есть. Предмет, действительно, благодарный для съемки, но, увы, ситуация никак не позволяла снять лучше (по крайней мере для меня).

Lucaz - Luis Costa Lucaz - Luis Costa #4 Tue 15 Apr 2003 21:16

Very nice work, regards!

Bernd Ratfisch Bernd Ratfisch #5 Sat 26 Apr 2003 22:25

I think, it is an old rope stretcher. I you fill sand or maybe lead balls into the egg, this can tighten a rope, which runs around the block-wheel. Such eggs were used to stretch small antenna wires, as well, as far as I remember...

Cheh Cheh #6 Fri 2 May 2003 00:34

что за "чудо", просто так не догадаешся smile )

auf Deutsch: einfach "Pendel" smile )

Bill Gumbleton Bill Gumbleton #7 Wed 4 Jun 2003 22:25

Well let me try! It looks like it would be used for over head wiring as in street or cable cars. They would fill it with water so it wouldn`t sway in a strong wind. Sound logical?