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Photo "I eat Macca`s religiously"

photo "I eat Macca`s religiously" tags: reporting, landscape, sunset
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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I eat Macca`s religiously
An old church in the old mining town of Ballarat in Victoria shares it`s space with
a new religious institution..MacDonalds. 
Fri 20 Jun 2003 05:43
digital camera Nikon COOLSCAN IV ED
lens Nikon assorted
flash Nikon SB28
scaner Nikon Coolscan4
scaner Nikon COOLSCAN IV ED
comments (4 from 4)
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Sandra Battaglia Sandra Battaglia #1 Fri 20 Jun 2003 05:49

McDonalds! Yikes, they ARE everywhere! smile ) Hmmm....maybe a meteor will hit the sign. smile
What a dramatic and energy filled sky that highlights a gothic mood to perfection except for the intrusion of the symbol of burgers...and fries. smile
Great work, Nigel, and to my favorites. smile

A. Saratow A. Saratow #2 Fri 20 Jun 2003 07:43

great sky and an impressive silhouette of the church - i still don`t know if i like the M-sign...

Jose Sarmento Jose Sarmento #3 Fri 20 Jun 2003 13:00

A great contrast, and a wonderful and magical sky. An excellent photograph. My congratulations, Nigel

Lucaz - Luis Costa Lucaz - Luis Costa #4 Fri 20 Jun 2003 16:11

Very nice work, regards!