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Photo "OWNER"

photo "OWNER" tags: genre,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Wed 8 Aug 2001 00:06
comments (10 from 10)
all comments descending
Nico Bastone Nico Bastone #1 Wed 8 Aug 2001 00:10

Excellent composition and colours. Bravo Samuel.

Ms. Monarch Ms. Monarch #2 Wed 8 Aug 2001 00:15

Beautiful photo. That dog looks like he`s actually related to the little boy. They both share the same experiment. And the tiny wildflowers and green grass - just beautiful. The only nit I have is the top of the cement fence rail is chopped off. Minor, but distracting nonetheless.

Andrey Ryzhkov Andrey Ryzhkov #3 Wed 8 Aug 2001 00:18

хорошее фото и отличные цвета

Todd Hansell Todd Hansell #4 Wed 8 Aug 2001 01:12

Let me tell you... I like this even thoug the dog seems like a ghost. The photo give a range of feelings from loyalty (from the dog), innocense (of the child), sadness (from the state of the clothing and the thought that the dog might not actujally be there), danger (from the barbedwire). Interesting to say the least.

Reda Danaf Reda Danaf #5 Wed 8 Aug 2001 02:28

Superb shot, geat composition and colours, you`ve captured a nice expression .

Juan Sebastian Sepulveda Juan Sebastian Sepulveda #6 Wed 8 Aug 2001 04:15

Great shot, like the colors and the expression of both the dog and the kid. The center position of both could be worked more.

Louisa Louisa #7 Wed 8 Aug 2001 06:04

Very very nice

Harvey Edelman Harvey Edelman #8 Wed 8 Aug 2001 07:02

A modern day "Blue Boy" almost.

Steve Bingham Steve Bingham #9 Sat 11 Aug 2001 18:55

Great. Just great!!!!!

hye hye #11 Fri 18 Oct 2002 08:05

nice dog