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Photo "***"

photo "***" tags: landscape,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Sabirjan Kurmayev Sabirjan Kurmayev #1 Sun 29 Apr 2018 19:06


It's a great picture.

I understand that it did not get a higher score because the photographers on this site believe that they create art but your photo wasn't up to their composition expectations.

It should at least:

• not be a fragment (your rocks are cut by edges of the frame);
• include some free space especially in the upper part;
• have aerial perspective, e.g. sharpness must be different in the foreground and in the background.

You would have gotten a higher rating if the picture hadn’t been b&w and you had have used a smaller focus number. These are the preconditions that they prefer.

Incidentally, are you a piano teacher in Turin?