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Photo "follow the time"

photo "follow the time" tags: reporting,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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follow the time
Tue 9 Dec 2003 10:48
lens Olympus 35-140mm
comments (5 from 5)
all comments descending
C. A. C. A. #1 Tue 9 Dec 2003 14:14

Great idea, Amin!
Yes, in a plane we follow time either on a fast track or make it stretch a little bit (depending on the direction). The picture is perfect for this theme!

Craig Hansen Craig Hansen #2 Tue 9 Dec 2003 15:13

Makes one ponder...

Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #3 Tue 9 Dec 2003 20:52

Very well balanced perspective Amin, congrats!

guido stocco guido stocco #4 Tue 9 Dec 2003 22:09

Primjetio sam da i ti nikada ne stavljas bilo koji naslov svojim fotografijama .
I to je jos jedan dokaz feelinga izmedu fotografije i autora. Dobar naslov je
pola dobrog posla kod jedne fotografije, barem ja tako mislim.
Ponekad, slazem se, slika govori sama od sebe .

Slika mi se svida jer zvonik je tehnicki soft uslikan (predpostavljam da nisi nista obradio) i to mu daje jedan osjecaj elegancije i lakoce kojom se proteze prema nebu.

Another good job

Zeca Zeca #5 mon 15 Dec 2003 05:50

Great vision...

Regards Zeca