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Photo "Soul (to look on a black background)"

photo "Soul (to look on a black background)" tags: portrait, misc., woman
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Soul (to look on a black background)
January 2004. It is the allegorical image, any attitude to the given girl, neither the name, nor sense of the given work, have no!

This work, about Soul not only this girl.. Also about Soul..... A dying birdy. Personally for me, this bird personifies SOUL much more in a broad sense. Look around of itself, look narrowly more closely - a life in fact indeed remarkable, all it is very cheerful, carefree.. As in paradise.. And in fact the birdy that dies. On the other hand, this girl - olitsetvorenie tendernesses, goods, beauty, most shortly, on my modest concepts that wakens in normal people grief on unfortunate And here in opinion of the girl, I have found all this! That and all I wish, but only that who has read up up to the end I have understood about what, and others let are not late... 
Thu 8 Jan 2004 23:02
comments (5 from 5)
all comments descending
mn mn #1 Fri 9 Jan 2004 16:20

Great shot

Zeca Zeca #2 Fri 9 Jan 2004 21:44

Outstanding image !

Regards Zeca

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #3 Sun 18 Jan 2004 05:19

Magnificent work!!!

Sergey Kharlamov Sergey Kharlamov #4 Sun 18 Jan 2004 11:45

Спасибо всем! Мне очень дорога эта работа. Я знаю что у многих она вызывает противоречивые чувства.. Но это наша жизнь.. И хоть я себя всегда считаю большим оптимистом, я чувствую боль все сильнее - боль этой жизни.. Наверно это нормально, с годами так и должно быть. Поэтому прошу простить меня, если все чаще в моем творчестве будут появляться подобные работы.. Спасибо за Ваше внимание!

Sergey Kharlamov Sergey Kharlamov #5 Sun 18 Jan 2004 11:48

Thanks all! I like this work. I know that she causes inconsistent feelings in many.. But it is our life.. And though I always think myself the big optimist, I feel a pain all more strongly - a pain of this life.. Likely it is normal, in the course of time and should be. Therefore I ask to forgive me if even more often in my creativity, there will be similar works.. Thanks for your attention!